About Us
Spirit & Word In Motion (S.W.I.M.) Youth Ministry seeks to reach youths by doing EVERYTHING without compromise to introduce them to a relationship with Jesus Christ and cause them to grow into mature believers in Christ. Faith Hope and Love Centre’s Youth Ministry comprises of a young, vibrant leadership team partnering with the youth and the young at heart both of the church body and those interested in becoming a part of God's dynamic work in Trinidad & Tobago.
We balance spiritual growth and a fun fellowship within bi-monthly meetings geared toward discussing and teaching core principles of God's word and life lessons which are imperative to these delicate years of maturity.
We meet every other Friday afternoon from 7:00pm at the Church Office.
To be a group of young believers who know their identity, and are equipped to serve the body of Christ, the World, through the Word of God and the power of Holy Spirit.
To be a team of young believers who know their identity in Christ, and are equipped to serve in the Body of Christ, impacting their communities, nation and the World.
FHLC Youth Ministry, exists to reach persons within the ages of 14-29, developing them into mature Christians.