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 Our History 

The History of Faith Hope & Love Centre


     Between the years 1993 to 1994, while a few Christians living in Westmoorings were praying, God had placed in the hearts of certain leaders of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies (PAWI), (particularly, Rev. Torrance Bobb, and others) the need to establish a work in the West in communities where PAWI had not yet impacted. The PAWI leadership felt led to the Westmoorings area and began to enter the area in prayer. At this time, Reverend Dick Nicholson, the Assemblies of God/PAWI liaison in Miami, Florida got involved. A request was made of him to help in locating a missionary couple who would be willing to come to Trinidad and begin a work in the Westmoorings area. As God would have it, Reverend Nicholson knew of a couple who had been serving as missionaries in Haiti for 16 years. They were Reverends Dale and Karen Preiser. In 1995, the Preisers came to Trinidad and arrangements were made to hold services in the conference room of the Chamber of Commerce building in Westmoorings. In addition, two local families who lived in the Westmoorings area were seconded to assist the work.


     Then on January 16, 1996 the inaugural service of the Westmoorings Faith, Hope and Love Centre was held with approximately 25 persons in attendance. In April of 1998 tragedy struck, Reverend Dale Preiser passed away suddenly. However, with the initiative of PAWI and long-time friend of the Preisers, Reverend Jesse Owens (an Assemblies of God, USA minister), the ministry continued, until a replacement was eventually found in the person of Reverend Samuel Mayeski, another Assemblies of God Pastor from Pennsylvania, USA. In November 1998, the Mayeski family moved to Trinidad to provide pastoral leadership to the church. During the years 1999-2005, the church continued to grow numerically with people from differing parts of the country in attendance at the services. As such, the church outgrew its location and relocated from the Chamber of Commerce to Cinema 1 at MovieTowne, POS. In October 2005, Pastor Mayeski had to return to the USA and the vacant position for Pastor was advertised, and Pastor Don Hamilton was appointed, the third and first local pastor of Faith Hope and Love Centre.


     Early in the pastorate, there was an unfortunate separation in membership in 2006. The church then began a period of consolidation with a strong emphasis on the ministry of the Word, and refashioning the understanding of the Great Commission. A new strategic plan was hammered out, after long hours of prayer and planning, to give direction to the church in keeping with the leading of the Holy Spirit and the PAWI framework. Faith, Hope and Love Centre has continued its dynamic growth, in membership, leadership, and has acquired its own property to erect a multipurpose Worship and Missions Centre. In the will of God, FHLC is set to accomplish its purpose for the Kingdom of God under the vibrant, able, dynamic leadership of Pastor Don Hamilton and his team. To God be the Glory, Great things He has done and is going to do!


Mailing Address: 

 P.O. Box 3058, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies​

​​​​​Office Email:

Marketing Email:

Tel:  (868) 227-7344 

East Office

Barataria Address: #93 7th Street, Barataria 


Office Hours: Tuesday & Friday

10:00 am - 3:00 pm



Church Office

LP#67 Karishma Arjoon Drive,

St. Lucien Road, Blue Range, Diego Martin


Office Hours: Wednesday & Thursday

10:00 am - 3:00 pm



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